We’re passionate about helping you grow and build a brand you’re proud of.

Meet Isaiah

Isaiah Grissum is the Founder and CEO of the IGuru Brand. Isaiah is an experienced virtuoso, accomplished guitarist, music director, corporate organizational manager, consultant, and business owner. His skills and experiences vary across the fields of music performance and recording, stock options trading, real estate investing, social and behavioral sciences, and organizational management. Isaiah has achieved independent success and useful experience as musician, trader, real estate investor, social and behavioral expert, and entrepreneur, and is passionate about sharing honest guidance to help others achieve and supersede the success and experience that he’s earned access to. Isaiah is recognized as a community leader, as well as a modern creative innovator and influence.

We want to help.

Bring Your Brand to life

It all begins with an idea. Let’s launch your business and turn your vision into a reality.

Display your confidence

Show the world what you represent and demand the respect you deserve.

Expand your potential

We want to help you meet your potential, build brand loyalty, and expand your business.

Let us help you find the road that works for your business goals